Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
Professor S.M. Dzhakupov Psychological Center
Under the initiative of the implementation and development of research and development, a psychological center named after Professor S.M. Dzhakupov was created on the basis of the PPiSD department, the purpose of which is to identify the problems of developing the professional culture of a psychologist, successful professional activity of a psychologist, motivational resources of personal and professional development of a psychologist, professional thinking of a psychologist, etc.    
Within the framework of the international scientific and methodological conference on the topic "modern trends in the development of ethnopsychology: history, state and prospects" dedicated to the birthday of Doctor of Psychological Sciences, academician of kaznaen, Professor Satybalda Mukataevich Dzhakupov, a psychological center named after Professor S.M. Dzhakupov was opened on the basis of the PPiSD department. Also, a collection of conference materials has been published.
The Center for Modern Psychotechnologies and Practical Psychology "Q" UNIVERSITY was created to popularize modern practical psychology and psychotherapy, which will allow participants of programs and seminars not only to improve their professional knowledge, improve their qualifications, but also to develop the level of emotional maturity of the individual as a whole.
The range of activities of the Center varies from training, professional development, retraining, to conducting therapeutic groups, individual admission, and research work.
All seminars and trainings presented by the Center are of a practical nature. By participating in seminars, you not only get new information, master techniques and techniques, but also immerse yourself in psychotherapeutic work. This form of work contributes to the effective development of professional skills. You get the opportunity to track the psychotherapeutic processes that are being launched on your own experience, under the guidance of a coach, and work out the regressive material obtained in practice, thus observing the dynamics of changes in the therapeutic process.


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