Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
Bachelor's and master's degree educational programs are adapted to special educational needs in the presence of persons in the contingent of students who belong to the category of persons with disabilities and persons with hearing and speech disabilities and disabilities of the musculoskeletal system in accordance with medical indications.
The organization of the educational process for people with disabilities is regulated by the Academic Policy of the university. For students with disabilities (HIA), if necessary and if available, an individual curriculum with an individual schedule of attendance can be developed. 
The maintenance of educational programs for people with disabilities is implemented using e-learning, using the PLATONUS information system.
To ensure the accessibility of education to students with disabilities, the university uses the form of remote access for students to the resources of the educational portal through the website and personal accounts in the PLATONUS information system.
In order to adapt students with disabilities, training is provided to work in the information systems of the university, as well as training to work with the electronic catalog of the library.
The University keeps records of persons with disabilities at the stages of their admission, education, and employment.
Academic schools provide timely information to teaching staff about the education of people with disabilities, as well as regularly monitors the educational productivity of students with disabilities, provides timely assistance and support.
The teaching staff of Q University is working to create conditions for students with disabilities to ensure that they receive high-quality professional education. Training sessions are organized in accordance with the psychophysical development and health status of people with disabilities together with other students in general groups, as well as individually.
When organizing training sessions in general groups, socially active and reflective teaching methods, technologies of socio-cultural rehabilitation are used in order to create a comfortable psychological climate in the group.
The choice of methods and means of teaching, educational technologies and educational and methodological support for the implementation of the educational program is carried out based on the need for students to achieve the planned learning outcomes of the educational program, as well as taking into account the individual capabilities of students with disabilities.
For students with disabilities, the university establishes a special procedure for mastering the discipline "Physical Culture", taking into account their state of health and medical recommendations.
Conducting the current, intermediate and final certification, the university takes into account the individual psychophysical characteristics of people with disabilities.
Students with special educational needs are provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to the limitation of their health.
The forms of conducting the current, intermediate and final certification of students with disabilities are established taking into account individual psychophysical characteristics (orally, in writing on paper, in writing on a computer, in the form of testing, etc.).
The choice of internship places for people with disabilities is carried out taking into account the health status of students and accessibility requirements.
For the social adaptation of students with special educational needs, individual support is provided, which is continuous and comprehensive.
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