Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
12 october

The Department of transportation organization and information technologies of the Kainar Academy has successfully started the 2020-2021 academic year in accordance with the established curriculum. The Department graduates specialists in two educational programs - 6B113-Transport services and 6B061-Information and communication technologies. This academic year, 23 employees work at this Department. Three of them are doctors of science, six doctors of PhD, five candidates of science, as well as masters of science, senior teachers.

Since the beginning of the academic year, the staff of the Department enthusiastically contribute to the work of the Academy. Training sessions are conducted using Platonus, Zoom, and other platforms. Photos and video links of lectures and practices are included in the report. Updated and printed training manuals for all study programs offered by the Department, including electronic publications.

At the beginning of the academic year, at an online meeting with the President-rector, Professor Omarov E. S. and the Academy's management, the main directions Of the Kainar Academy for the current year were determined. Currently, we are actively working on these priorities.

For example, last week there was an online greeting of retired teachers of the Department on teacher's day. An online meeting with students was held as part of measures to prevent terrorism and extremism. Medical and informational measures are being taken to prevent the second wave of coronavirus.

In the future, we will regularly inform and share the news of the Department on our website.


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