Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
1 october

18.09.2019. To the Academy Kainar arrived the guest of honor –Christian Contango.He is a Professor of English language from the Philippine state. At the regular apparatus meeting, which was held by the mayor of the city Aibek KARIMOV, information was heard from the head of the Department of economy and budget planning Suleiman Medeuov "on the distribution, when clarifying the budget, of additional funds received". Our Academy students welcomed Mr. Contango. During the event, the issues that concern people were touched upon, a fun and useful conversation was held. Until the end of the class, students heard a lot of praise and received a lot of information. And the Professor thanked for making new friends. At the end of the lecture, the New friends took pictures and left out in a good mood. And we on our own behalf, express our gratitude to Professor Christian Contango. We hope that in the future you will visit our University again.


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